Supply chain security for digital services
Cybersecurity for Digital Services - English session - Webinar
CyberActive, funded by the FPS Economy
& EU (NextGeneration EU), is an initiative designed to help you take
the first step towards a safer, more secure operational environment.
Software and digital service builders rely on external dependencies such as API, database or web service. Are these dependencies secure? After famous hacks such as Solarwinds and Log4j we certainly know that blindly trusting your software supply chain provider blindly is dangerous. But what to do to ensure that your code relies on secure components, libraries and services?
This session tailored for CISO, Software developers, architects, product managers, risk manager and more generally software development companies.
Empower your defence: top reasons to join this cybersecurity webinar
- Raise your awareness about supply chain security
- Gain insights and best practices securing your dependencies, building trusted software and using SBOM (software bill of materials)
Core insights: what you’ll learn and why it
matters ?
- Why supply chain security is important ?
- Compliance and buyers guide: what are the security questions your customers will ask sooner or later?
- What are the tools and solutions?
Agenda :
Roadmap to supply chain cybersecurity